Chapter 2 : NOOOOOO!!! Catch that little monkey

Despite the surprise and the pain, Pü activated the runes, and the wolf which was lying beside him, turned into a ray of light and entered Pü's body.

The transformation was practically instantaneous, Pü now looked like a different version of a werewolf, with red fur covering almost the whole body, but from the knee down and from the hands to the forearm the fur were black. His teeth and nails grew very fast. Guaracy saw Pü's skin and muscles become more resistant in real time.

Even though the tip of the dagger had entered a few centimeters in the Pü's chest, Guaracy didn’t have enough strength to reach the heart, and as soon as Guaracy realized this, he jumped back.

 Pü tried to hold him but Guaracy was already a few steps away, “Nice try haha!! You almost made it ... You're without your ang, aren't you? “.

“I honestly had never heard of that before I met you” Guaracy said while preparing the next plan.

"I have no idea how your tribe has survived until now. When I'm serving your meat, at tonight's banquet, my tribe will love the stories about you and your tribe of idiots hahaha..." Pü said as he slowly approached Guaracy .

Guaracy didn’t wait for half the sentence of Pü to run between the trees.

"There's no point in running! without an ang, you’re just going to be able to scratch me, but don't worry... because you gave me a good snack, I will torture you just a little bit before killing you hahaha ”.


Guaracy took advantage of the thick vegetation to gain a few seconds to light and launch some firecrackers, Pü dodged the first one, but realizing that these only made noise, he no longer bothered to dodge.

 Guaracy seeing that Pü stopped deflecting,  launched a stronger one, directly in Pü's face, he only realized that this one was the same as the first when it was too close to deflect.

Pü defended himself by turning his face, but he wasn’t fast enough and the firecracker exploded very close to his face, hitting his right ear and leaving him disoriented for a few moments, Guaracy took advantage and ran to the right as fast as he could.

Pü took almost a minute to calm down and track the direction that Guaracy took and because he is so much faster than Guaracy, Pü only took about 30 seconds to follow Guaracy's trail, to the point where Pü heard a slight noise in the middle of the vegetation.

“Hahaha, there's no use of hiding!! that last cigar of yours made me truly angry, before I k...” Pü did not finish the sentence because he discovered that it wasn’t  Guaracy in the vegetation, the noise came from a shiny rectangular object. Pü knelt down to see what was that mysterious object but then, Guaracy jumped on his back, taking advantage of the fact that Pü was down and distracted.

Pü reacted quickly trying to get Guaracy off his back, but Guaracy didn't hesitate and stuck a pen straight in Pü’s eye, at first Guaracy thought about using the last dagger, but it was too wide and it wouldn't hit the brain.

Even howling in pain, Pü shook and used his claws to try to get Guaracy off his back, as Guaracy  wasn’t as resistant and strong as Pü, the wounds could get serious.

 Guaracy knew that he could not miss this chance, so he put all the strength he had to penetrate Pü's eye, but when he felt that the pen had broken, his hope almost went with it.

It took him a moment to change his strategy, if I hurt the other eye, maybe I can at least get away from here though Guaracy as he tried to use the remains of the pen which were still in his hand to hurt Pü's left eye.

Meanwhile Pü took advantage of the fact that Guaracy had moved his arm to push him away, Guaracy used the boost  to roll and run into the woods.

 I need to find a way to escape, the bomb tricks will hardly work again... Maybe if I use the trick with the lighter... thought Guaracy as he ran, shit! Yesterday I had to use most of them... if I still had all the kits I would turn him into bacon. 

 He ran as fast as he possibly could while preparing more kits, the pain and injuries slowed him down, but it wasn’t enough to hinder his movements.

Guaracy felt his heart race when he heard a very loud noise, something  was approaching him, he looked back and noticed that Pü was running much faster than before.

 Weren't the paintings just ceremonial? Thought Guaracy when he saw that some  of Pü ’s body paintings were shining. Now he seems faster and stronger than before. Oh my God, he is strong enough to break some smaller trees that stood in his way...

 Pü ran faster and faster, ”I’d never imagined I would spend this much uzenu to hunt someone from a tribe as primitive as yours… I was saving it to catch the next prey, but that’s okay, This hunt is proving worthy of a great story for tonight!! It is the strangest hunt I have ever had !! ” said Pü while laughing.

Guaracy almost dropped what he was holding, Oh God, Why did I have to find the craziest cannibal in the universe?? Hopefully the rest of his tribe isn’t all like that ... thought Guaracy before throwing what he had in his hand towards Pü’s left eye.

 Pü instinctively swerved to the right, without even realizing it was just a stone, and as he had lost sight of his right eye, Pü did not notice a fallen log and ended up stumbling.

Already waiting for that moment Guaracy lit up and threw the ‘kit’, just before arriving in Pü the bomb attached to the lighter exploded, it covered much of his face and chest with inflamed kerosene.

The flame made Pü struggle with pain trying to put out the fire, Guaracy was already going to throw another kit when a mist covered the region.

Guaracy saw some figures approaching quickly through the mist, he was going to run in the opposite direction when he thought, are they the Koruwas or...Guaracy had not even finished thinking when he saw some indigenous pointing bows at him.

He had already started to run towards the trees when the arrows were shot,  Guaracy knew that he would probably get hit by a few arrows before he could hide among the trees, so he used his backpack to defend himself .

Soon after, he noticed that the girl that he had found running away some time ago, was coming from the other direction.

She’ll help me right? Enemy of my enemy...The runes on her body lit up and her speed increased frighteningly as she ran towards Guaracy.

Hahaha.. Well, it looks like I'm not gonna be able to get out of this alive... thought Garuaracy as he prepared to throw the lit kit into his backpack and light the other kits.

He was already lighting up when she jumped and destroyed all the arrows, which were coming towards him. "Stop shooting!! he is not one of the Koruwas!!..."

"I thought you were already seasoned at this point" she said as she walked slowly towards Guaracy.

Guaracy quickly put out the firecracker "For a few moments I also thought it would end like that..." he reached out and said "My name is Guaracy and it is a pleasure to see you again".

She ignored his hand and said "My name is Cicí and I am also glad to have found you, you delayed one of them at least..."

Through the fog Guaracy heard Pü’s voice "HAHAHA next time I’ll get you Guaracy".

Cicí pointed to his companions and said "There won’t be a next time, get him!! I want the head of that disgusting pig!!" she said as she activated the runes.

Seeing that they were going to follow Pü, Guaracy said " Hey, can I stay in your tribe for a while? I have no idea how to get back to mine"

Cicí deactivated the runes and said to her friends: "Go ahead, catch him before he recovers from the wounds." Then she looked at Guaracy and said, "It’s okay with me, but it’s up to the tribe’s council... and how sick are you..."

"Hey!! What is it?!! Why do you insist that I am sick?... I am OK!.... apart from the injuries I have now... I might need help. " said Guaracy as he began to notice the amount of injuries he had.

"Here! wash the wounds with water, then use this ointment and wrap with this! " said Cicí while delivering some bandages and two bottles.

"I said that, because you are without your ang, also you have no trace of Uzenu..." said Cicí with a worried look.

"I have never heard of any of this before I came here ! Where I come from nobody turns into animals!!" .

"Your tribe doesn’t know how to use Uzenu? You must live inside caves..."

"We don’t live in caves!!... Well our houses can be made of stone... but we are very advanced, try a piece of chocolate you will see how developed we are!!"

"The real problem is that you are strangely skinny and tiny… Also, you’re wearing some kind of leather that does not seem to be for defense!! And why are  you all wrapped up? Are you trying to hide your wounds?... " Cicí said.

"I AM NOT SICK!!! Where I come from my appearance is quite NORMAL!... almost... I’m kind of famous in my tribe!!"

"Yes... for sure... you must be the most handsome man of your tribe of cavemen..." said Cicí as he laughed.

"Let’s see if you keep laughing, after you taste a piece of chocolate!! You will never, ever underestimate my tribe again" said Guaracy while taking the chocolate.

"Okay! I’ll try it, relax! " Before she could get a piece, a little monkey jumped off the tree and took the chocolate out of his hand.

"NO!!!... catch the little monkey," said Guaracy in despair.

"Are you going to fight a monkey for food? How worthy of your tribe..." said Cicí, laughing her ass off.

"That was the last chocolate I brought!!! What have I done?!!... how could I offer the only chocolate on this planet ..."

"Stop crying! I believe you, it must be very tasty, look at his little face, he seems to be enjoying it a lot"

Guaracy would continue to mourn but he noticed figures approaching through the forest. " Are your friends...?"

Before Cicí answered, they heard "Cicí it is better for us to return to the village, Pü managed to reach a sentry, if we don’t leave now, we will end up fighting the Koruwas again" .

"You’re right, let’s go Guaracy! When we arrive you can ask the council if they can help you get home."

"All right, just give me a minute to get my phone."

One of Cicí’s companion said "Do not let him escape, he still hasn’t explained why he’s in our lands"

As some of the natives approached, Guaracy stopped and said" I am not running away and it was not my intention to invade, I don’t know how I end up here"

Cicí stood in front of Guaracy and said "Vatu stop! I believe him, do you think they would send a scout without Uzenu and ang?"

Vatu seemed to be the leader of the group, he was the oldest and also had some drawings around his eyes.

"You’ve seen the items he carries... he’s not defenseless, his tribe has a mode of combat we don’t know," said Vatu.

"Someone who is lost should be afraid, but I don’t see fear in his eyes..."

"I don’t like the way he looks at us..." said another.

"Yes, he seems to be trying to find a way to escape..."

"While we were talking he picked up another magical item," said an native coming out of the vegetation behind Guaracy.

Guaracy was surrounded. Why is being friendly and sincere never works for me?... damn monkey, had to have caught the last chocolate... " Didn't you guys talk about some kind of council of elderly?  How about letting me talk to them..."

Cicí said "Stop! I believe him, when we get to the tribe, the elders can confirm  Guaracy’s story"

"But, what if that is his plan?"

Before one of them continued Vatu said " Enough! This discussion is a waste of time, the elders will decide his future"

They walked in silence for a few minutes when Guaracy asked "What exactly does uzenu mean?"

One of the other companions of Cicí said "if the council accepts you, they can find someone to teach you the basics"

Guaracy looking at the members of the group noticed that everyone had an animal companion "Cicí you don't have an ang either?"

"Of course I have, she’s right behind you," said Cicí.

Guaracy didn’t understand why everyone started laughing, but he decided to look back anyway "There’s nothing here Cicí" When he turned to ask, a huge jaguar knocked him down.

"She loves to catch others by surprise," said Cicí as the jaguar licked Guaracy’s face.

"She’s beautiful, but a little too heavy, isn't she?"

"Come on Nila, he doesn’t know how to appreciate your affection" said Cicí while everyone laughed.

They walked another 20 minutes until the forest began to change.

                                                                                        chapter 1              chapter 3
